Sunday, January 26, 2014

It's Still So Cold

I tried to take some pics (without getting out of my car) to show how cold it is in Westport
because summer is a long four months and twenty six days away!

I hate birds but I thought this guy looked a little chilly too flying around in 17 degrees.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fly Away

I am afraid to fly but if I did I would take the advice of The New York Times
 and visit every place on their list. The pictures are amazing! 
(click on the link below)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Too Cold To Take Pictures

Since I don't like to get out and walk around when the temperatures drop under 65 degrees, temps in the single digits usually don't get me out of my house. But I had to pick up my kids today and this is what The Saugatuck River looked like around midday (obviously pics were taken from my car!)

This guy didn't seem to mind the weather. Although a pair of slippers would have been nice.