There are doers and there are admirers of those doers. I am an admirer. Luckily for me Westport is filled with doers. Here is my favorite example. My friend's mom, Sherry Jagerson has lived in Westport for too many years to count. She raised her family in Westport and now her daughter is raising her own family here. Sherry cares about Westport and the world at large. She is an environmentalist, a volunteer for Rebuilding Together, a founder of Wakeman Town Farm and an awesome grandma. Sherry appreciates the beauty in nature, tends to its beauty and gives back to the community. Her most recent undertaking was the redevelopment of the Sherwood Mill Pond Preserve. It is a little spit of land on the Long Island Sound near my home that now begs for pictures to be taken of it, even in the winter months. So being only an admirer that's what I did. In the spring I will share more images when it really flourishes. Thanks Sherry for all that you do.

1 comment:
The pictures are so beautiful Katherine. Don't forget that you are a doer too!!
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