Wednesday, October 26, 2011


This is a photograph of Joe. Joe is a gentleman I volunteer to drive as part of Westport's ITN transportation program for the elderly; "opening more than car doors for seniors". I wanted to write about Joe because I am thinking of going to visit him. I am hoping he remembers me. I used to drive Joe once a week to visit his wife at a nearby convalescence center. Joe went to the center every day from 11:00-6:00pm to visit his wife with Alzheimer's Disease. Joe sat with her, read to her, ate his meals with her and sat with her some more. I only saw Joe once a week for about 10-15 mins on mondays while I drove him home. Sometimes we sat in his driveway talking a bit more. We talked about the news, books, our families, the usual things. One time we stopped at Dairy Queen and got ice cream cones. Joe said his rides to visit his wife were the only interesting conversations he'd had in a very long time. Joe's wife died over the summer. He doesn't need rides anymore. Friends have told me that Joe must miss me. I think I miss Joe more.

For more information on volunteering to drive seniors click on this link.
It's so easy. After you sign up, you get an email once a week of upcoming rides and if you have time, pick a date and drive. That's it! The rides are local so they only take about 15mins of your time and you meet such wonderful people.

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